Thursday, August 09, 2007

PhD Scholarship in computer science, Hasselt, Belgium

Closed Friday August 24, 2007

Call for candidates at the Expertise Centre for Digital Media (EDM,, research institute of Hasselt University ( in Belgium, for a:

PhD Scholarship in computer science (2 x 2 years)
(mandate WNI/2007/014)

Envisioned research
The intended research is situated in the domains of networked virtual environments (NVE) and human-computer interaction (HCI). More specifically, synchronization in scalable networked virtual environments is studied, supporting simulation-based interaction. The investigated synchronization techniques enhance consistency of the status of the virtual environment as presented to all users. Heterogeneous environments (different platforms, I/O devices etc.) are taken into account. Besides synchronization techniques, interaction techniques and the flexibility in their realization play an important role in the envisioned research. Usable multimodal interaction metaphors are designed for individuals as well as groups of users. A division of the users in subgroups is considered for both simulation and interaction between several users in order to enhance performance and social interaction. Further details of the PhD research topics will be determined based on the
background and interest of the PhD candidate.

Academic license (4 years), master (5 years) or equivalent diploma in computer science. Students who will complete their studies during the summer, are strongly invited to apply.

Further information
Prof. dr. Karin Coninx, promotor, +32-11-26 84 11,
Prof. dr. Wim Lamotte, co-promotor, +32-11-26 84 11,

Applicants must use the official application forms which are available at the Rectoraat of Hasselt University, Campus Diepenbeek, Agoralaan - building D, B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium), phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03 or which can be downloaded here pfd-file / Word format.
The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Friday August 24, 2007. Job interviews will take place in the week of September 10, 2007.
Application by e-mail will only be taken into consideration when sent to the following address:

Setia Pramana
Master of Science in Biostatistics
Hasselt Universiteit
more information

Beasiswa unggulan Depdiknas untuk S2 Teknik Sipil

JADWAL PENDAFTARAN 30 Juli - 21 Agustus 2007

Biro Perencanaan dan Kerjasama Luar Negeri Kerjasama dengan

Program Pascasarjana Magister Teknik Sipil
Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan

Program Beasiswa Unggulan adalah program beasiswa nasional dan internasional yang diberikan pemerintah Indonesia kepada putra-putri terbaik yang termasuk dalam kategori "unggul" memiliki prestasi nasional maupun internasional dalam rangka menyiapkan insan Indonesia yang cerdas dan kompetitif sesuai dengan visi pendidikan nasional. Dengan adanya Program Beasiswa Unggulan, diharapkan di akhir program akan muncul critical mass dan bangsa Indonesia yang berdaya saing tinggi di masa yang akan datang.

Pada dekade terakhir ini usaha-usaha pemerintah dalam rangka meningkatkan kompetensi lulusan pergurun tinggi terus dilakukan. Hal tersebut secara jelas dituangkan dalam 5-pilar penyelenggaraan Perguruan Tinggi yaitu peningkatan kompetensi lulusan, otonomi, akuntabilitas, evaluasi dan akreditasi. Peningkatan kompetensi lulusan menjadi pilar yang pertama karena begitu pentingnya masalah ini. Di lain fihak otonomi Perguruan Tinggi sekarang ini cukup dapat dirasakan dengan semakin longgarnya/adanya diregulasi aturan-uturan. Antara otonomi dan peningkatan kompetensi lulusan berhubungan sangat erat. Dengan adanya otonomi maka perguruan tinggi dapat menentukan kebijakan berikut melaksanakannya dengan cepat terlebih Universitas Islam Indonesia sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta.
Sebagai perguruan tinggi yang sudah berdiri sejak 7 Juli 1945, Universits Islam Indonesia mempunyai tanggung jawab terhadap peningkatan kompetensi lulusan sebagai salah satu bentuk dari Akuntabilitas terhadap stakeholder . Lulusan yang mempunyai kompetensi yang tinggi diharapkan mampu/dapat mengisi ruang-ruang yang diperlukan secara riil di dalam masyarakat khususnya kompetensi lulusan dalam menyelesaikan problem bencana alam. Sudah diketahui secara umum bahwa penanganan bencana alam di Indonesia yang terjadi akhir-akhir ini belum berhasil seperti yang diharapkan.
Terdapat banyak faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi keberhasilan dalam menangani bencana alam. Faktor yang terpenting adalah adanya suatu lembaga/institusi yang secara khusus menangani problem dalam bencana secara terencana, terstruktur dan sistematis. Faktor yang kedua adalah tersedianya sumberdaya manusia yang memahami seluk beluk bencana-alam dan manajemen bencana alam ( disaster management ). Dua hal terpenting ini masih menjadi problem terbesar di banyak negara termasuk di Indonesia. Faktor-faktor yang lain misalnya faktor finansial dan koordinasi. Apabila penanganan bencana dikehendaki lebih baik, maka kedua hal terpenting tersebut di atas harus disediakan dengan baik.
Bencana alam yang terjadi di Indonesia akhir-akhir sangat beragam mulai dari gempa-bumi, gunung berapi, tsunami, tanah longsor, banjir, kekeringan sampai apedemi misalnya flu burung dan demam berdarah. Bencana alam gempa bumi terjadi hampir di sebagian besar wilayah di Indonesia, kecuali Kalimantan, Sumatera bagian timur dan Irian Jaya Bagian selatan. Setiap bencana mempunyai tata-cara penanganan yang spesifik, sehigga tidak ada prosedur penanganan bencana yang berlaku general untuk semua jenis bencana. Walaupun tidak semua bencana alam tersebut terjadi pada satu tempat, tetapi setiap tempat harus menyiapkan diri dalam menangani bencana yang secara spesifik di tempatnya masing-masing. Mengingat begitu banyaknya jenis bencana dan terjadi di banyak tempat maka diperlukan SDM ( demand ) yang kompeten dalam menangani bencana alam.

• Arah pendidikan Program Magister Teknik Sipil Konsentrasi Manajemen Teknik Kegempaan, Universitas Islam Indonesia adalah mampu dan tanggap terhadap perencanaan dan penanggulangan bencana yang ditimbulkan akibat bencana gempa. Keilmuan dasar pendidikan yang dibekali terdiri dari: KNOWLEDGE (Keilmuwan), SKILL (Ketrampilan), ATTITUDE (Sikap), dengan demikian lulusan diharapkan dapat memenuhi standar profesionalitas, terampil dan memiliki etika tinggi.
• Kompetensi umum lulusan yaitu mampu menghasilkan lulusan siap kerja dan mempunyai kemampuan analisis serta terampil mengambil keputusan sesuai dengan masalah yang dihadapi di lapangan. Secara khusus kompetensi lulusan diharapkan mampu menerapkan keahliannya dalam bidang penanganan bencana alam berupa gempa bumi dan kegunungapian. Dengan demikian lulusan diharapkan siap menjadi ujung tombak perencana bagi instansi pemerintah, maupun intansi swasta lainnya, dan mempunyai kepribadian muslim yang teguh sesuai dengan tujuan pendidikan di UII.

Lulusan S-1: Jurusan Teknik Sipil
Usia pendaftar = 35 tahun per 1 September 2007
Calon peserta berasal dari:
Umum Perorangan
Sudah Bekerja

Instansi :

Biaya pendaftaran Rp 300.000,-

Surat Rekomendasi (khusus bagi yang berasal dari instansi diperlukan rekomendasi dari instansi yang bersangkutan)
Surat pernyataan dari instansi, bahwa peserta akan kembali dan diberdayakan di instansi tersebut setelah selesai masa pendidikan
Formulir Pendaftaran Program Beasiswa Unggulan dilengkapi pas foto berwarna terbaru 3 x 4 (2 lembar)

Rencana topik tesis
Ijazah dan Transkrip Nilai pendidikan terakhir yang telah dilegalisasi
Mengikuti: Placement Test TOEFL/IELTS/TOEIC, Tes Potensi Akademik, dan Wawancara serta melampirkan sertifikat penghargaan lainnya (bila ada)

• Beasiswa selama mengikuti pendidikan (masa studi 24 bulan atau 4 semester)
• Mendapat tunjangan pendidikan Rp 1.000.000 per bulan dari Depdiknas maksimum 24 bulan
JADWAL PENDAFTARAN 30 Juli - 21 Agustus 2007
WAKTU PENDAFTARAN 23 - 24 Agustus 2007
TES MASUK 3 September 2007

Kuliah Perdana : 8 SEPTEMBER 2007
Informasi & Pendaftaran:
Kampus Terpadu UII, Gedung FTSP Lantai II - Sayap Barat, Jl. Kaliurang Km. 14,4 Yogyakarta Telp. (0274) 896441, Faks. (0274) 896442, atau , e-mail:
Contact Person : N. Basori/Desi (Hp. 08122942703/0811293629)
more information

Beasiswa parsial Bagi Sarjana Baru Berprestasi Untuk Program MMA-IPB (S2)

Terakhir 14 Agustus 2007

Dalam rangka Dies Natalis IPB ke 44, Program Pascasarjana Manajemen dan Bisnis (MB-IPB) bekerjasama dengan PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia, Tbk. akan memberikan BEASISWA*) kepada 10 orang Sarjana Baru (Fresh Graduate) berprestasi untuk bergabung pada Program MMA-IPB kelas pagi yang akan dimulai pada Awal Bulan Oktober 2007.
Persyaratan untuk menjadi calon penerima beasiswa adalah :

Lulusan baru/fresh graduate (kelulusan Lulusan berprestasi 1 s/d 3 (3 terbaik) dari masing-masing jurusan/program studi (yang dikuatkan dengan keterangan dari masing-masing jurusan/program studi) atau mempunyai IPK min 3,5.
Melampirkan Biodata lengkap, Photo ukuran 4x6 dua buah, dan Surat Rekomendasi dari Dosen Pembimbing.
Lulus tahapan seleksi tertulis & wawancara. Membayar biaya seleksi sebesar Rp. 375.000,-.
Belum mengikuti/ diterima di Program Studi lainnya dan tidak sedang mendapatkan beasiswa dari institusi lain.

Tahapan Seleksi Waktu
1.Seleksi Dokumen Paling lambat dokumen aplikasi diterima di MB-IPB 14 Agustus 2007
2.Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Tahap I 16 Agustus 2007
3.Tes Tertulis 24-26 Agustus 2007
4.Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Tahap II 17 September 2007
5.Wawancara 19-20 September 2007
6.Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Tahap III 26 September 2007
7.Perkuliahaan Oktober 2007

Dokumen aplikasi dapat dikirimkan langsung ke Divisi Pemasaran MB IPB,
Gedung MB-IPB Jl. Raya Pajajaran Bogor.

*) Beasiswa yang diberikan adalah Biaya Kegiatan Akademik (BKA) untuk Kelas Pagi.
Beasiswa tidak termasuk biaya administrasi, biaya penelitian, biaya hidup, dan biaya lainnya.

Informasi ini juga tersedia di
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Doctorate School on Physcis, Astrophysics and Applied Physics

Closed September 20, 2006

The International Research Doctorate School in Physics, Astrophysics and Applied Physics, established by the Department of Physics, the Department of Chemistry Biochemistry and Biotechnology for the Medicine, the Institute of Applied Physics, the Institute of General Physiology and Biochemistry of the Milano University and by the Department of Mathematics and Physics of the Catholic University in Brescia, opens 30 PhD positions.

The School awards: 20 fellowships of about 9734 Euro per year net (at least one reserved to non EU citizens). Financial support for lodging and travel is granted to non EU citizens and EU citizens non resident in Lombardy. The candidate can apply starting from July 24, 2007. The deadline for the application is September 20, 2006.

Information and application form can be found in the following website:
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Postdoc position in Dynamic Bayesian Networks - University of Amsterdam

Closing date is 1 September 2007

The IAS group at the Intelligent Systems Laboratory of the University of Amsterdam invites applications for a Postdoc position in the field of Dynamic Bayesian Networks for Activity Recognition

The Intelligent Systems Laboratory is a outstanding research lab in processing pictorial, textual and time-based information, in which the Intelligent Autonomous Systems group focuses on intelligent systems like robots, smart cars and smart homes.

vacancy number 07-1052

In the context of various national and European research projects, our laboratory is looking for a postdoc who will work on learning and inference algorithms for DBN’s and vision algorithms and supervise ongoing work of Ph.D. students in the fields of:
• Multimodal sensory information processing
• Activity recognition and monitoring of elderly with simple sensors
• Personal robots in smart homes

The results will be used in Multimedia and Ambient Intelligence settings, and enable the environment to recognize the activities of the users and to interact with them. There is some flexibility in which the focus of the work will be laid, and personal initiative is strongly encouraged. The research is carried out in an international context, which will enable the candidate to have regular interactions with other research teams in the fields of ambient intelligence, robotics throughout Europe and

The ideal candidate will have a Ph.D. or equivalent in Computer Science or Artificial Intelligence and has shown a track record in Computational Intelligence/Machine Learning by means of publications in the field. Candidates are expected to be experienced with programming in Matlab or C++.

More information
The Intelligent Systems Laboratory Amsterdam is located in the Amsterdam Science Park. Amsterdam is a lively city that offers a great variety of cultural and recreational activities. English is both the main spoken language in the campus and broadly accepted in every day communication in the city.
The IAS group strongly promotes interaction with the international community and research funds are available to sponsor travel, accommodation and personal expenses for conferences and scientific events.

Further information can be obtained from dr. ir. Ben J. A. Kröse,
Informatics Institute, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Kruislaan 403, 1098 SJ,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands; tel. +31 20 525 7461; email:

The appointment will be full time (38 hours a week) for a period of one year with a possible extension to two years. The gross monthly salary will be in accordance with the University regulations for academic personnel and will range from € 2,279 up to a maximum of € 3,597 (scale 10), based on a full-time appointment and depending on the number of years of professional experience.

Job application
Applications should include a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, and the names and contact information of two referees. Applications, quoting the vacancy number in the subject line, may be emailed to Closing date is 1 September 2007.

Refer to
web site Faculty of Science (English language)
web site ‘Working at the UvA’ (for international staff members)
web site Informatics Institute
more information

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation/ACLS Early Career Fellowship Program

Deadline: 15 November 2006

The American Council of Learned Societies is launching a significant new fellowship program providing support for young scholars to complete their dissertation and, later, to advance their research after being awarded the Ph.D. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation/ACLS Early Career Fellowship Program will award fellowships in two categories: Dissertation Completion Fellowships and Fellowships for Recent Doctoral Recipients. A grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation supports this program.

Dissertation Completion Fellowships
  • Stipend: $25,000, plus funds for research costs of up to $3,000 and for university fees of up to $5,000. * Tenure: one year beginning summer 2007.
  • Completed applications must be submitted through the ACLS Online Fellowship Application system ( no later than 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, November 15, 2006.
  • Decisions will be announced in late March 2007.

The Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowships are to assist graduate students in the humanities and related social sciences in the last year of Ph.D. dissertation writing. This program aims to encourage timely completion of the Ph.D. Applicants must be prepared to complete their dissertations within the period of their fellowship tenure or shortly thereafter.

ACLS will award 65 Fellowships in this competition for a one-year term beginning between June and September 2007 for the 2007-2008 academic year. The Fellowship tenure may be carried out in residence at the Fellow's home institution, abroad, or at another appropriate site for the research. The Fellowships include funds for university fees and research support (together with stipend the award may total up to $33,000) but may not be held concurrently with any other major fellowship or grant.

  • A Ph.D. candidate in a humanities or social science department in the United States. (Students preparing theses for master’s degrees are not eligible.)
  • All requirements for the Ph.D. except the dissertation completed before beginning fellowship tenure.
  • No more than six years in the degree program; awardees can hold this Fellowship no later than their seventh year.

The deadline for this is November 15, 2006

The first competition for Mellon/ACLS Fellowships for Recent Doctoral Recipients will take place in 2007-08. Eligibility for these 25 Fellowships will be limited to scholars who held Dissertation Completion Fellowships (or were ranked as Alternates in that fellowship competition) and who completed their dissertations within the period specified in their first fellowship application. Also eligible will be scholars who held other national dissertation fellowships—such as the Whiting Fellowships—and who completed their dissertations within the period specified in their first application. Only Ph.D. students holding such a dissertation completion fellowship during the 2007-08 academic year will eligible to apply. Those who will have already completed the doctorate prior to the 2007-08 academic year will not be eligible.

These Fellowships will carry stipends of $30,000 to allow the Fellow to devote an academic year to research. Awardees will have up to two years from the date of the award to take up Fellowship tenure. We expect that some awardees may use their Fellowship to take leave from a faculty position; those without a full-time position may choose to affiliate with a humanities research center or conduct research independently.

The first competition to be held in 2007-08
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Doctoral Scholarships - Said Business School University

Doctoral Scholarships Clifford Chance Centre for the Management of Professional Service Firms Saïd Business School

Applications for Doctoral Scholarships are invited by the Clifford Chance Centre for the Management of Professional Service Firms at the University of Oxford's Saïd Business School. The Centre conducts research into the internal and external dynamics of professional service firms. Although our primary focus is on the management of such firms, and the issues faced by people working within them, the Centre is also concerned with the governance of professional service firms more generally, addressing policy issues of concern to both clients and regulators. Please consult the website for further details

The Members of the Centre are Dr Fiona Andersen-Gough, Dr Laura Empson, Dr Chris McKenna, and Prof. Tim Morris. Members of the Centre are currently studying firms within the legal, accounting, consulting and actuarial sectors. Research carried out within the Centre falls within the broad areas of Strategy, Organizational Behaviour, Accounting, and Business History. All members of the Centre are currently available to supervise doctoral students.

Clifford Chance Scholars are expected to be trained in social sciences or history to masters level. If you wish to apply for a scholarship for 2007 admission you must do the following by *12 January 2007*.

Email camilla.stack@... at the Clifford Chance Centre to register your interest for the Clifford Chance Scholarship. At the same time submit a complete application for the DPhil degree to the Said Business School, University of Oxford. Application information is available via the following link:
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